Welcome to Fr. Miguel!


Welcome to your new home Fr. Miguel! Holy Infancy and Incarnation Parishes are very pleased to have you with us. We pray that you find in us a wonderful extended family where you can learn and grow in the graces of the Sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ you received for the service of the Church! God bless you!


Welcome to Deacon Candidate Eric Collado


Please welcome Mr. Eric Collado, from Queenship of Mary, Northampton. This will be his first summer assignment in formation to become a deacon. The assignment at Holy Infancy begins on 22-23 June and concludes on 24-25 August. We pray you also find here why we say: My Parish, My Family!


Thank you from Fr. Mathur to Everyone!


Thank you, all, for your kindness and prayerful support in making my 15th Anniversary to the Priesthood a joyful celebration. I will be forever grateful to Fr. Andy and to all of you for these past six years here at Holy Infancy. May God bless you for your faithfulness, devotion, and care for the parish community. Father Mathur can be reached at:

Reverend Keith A. Mathur

Office of the Chancellor

Diocese of Allentown

Post Office Box F

Allentown, PA 18105